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Ambassador Y. Kistafin visits Pak Chairman of Defense Committee

Islamabad, November 23, 2023, The Europe Today: The Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Pakistan Y. Kistafin paid a visit to the Senator, Chairman of the Defense Committee, member of the Committee on National Heritage and Culture, Senate Library Committee, Climate Change Committee, International Relations Committee, Finance Committee, Human Rights Committee, Mr. Mushahid Hussain Sayed.

During the meeting, the Ambassador informed about the current bilateral agenda of Kazakh-Pakistani relations, past and planned events.

Senator M.H. Syed highly appreciated the work carried out by the Embassy, saying that cooperation with Kazakhstan is of particular importance for Pakistan.
Both sides emphasized the particular importance of developing inter-parliamentary dialogue and the need to strengthen ties between legislators of the two countries, which will also help promote cooperation at the governmental level.

As a result of the negotiations, an agreement was reached to organize an event dedicated to cooperation between Kazakhstan and Pakistan in a regional format.