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Ninth Sharjah International Cycling Tour Commences with Grand Opening Ceremony

Sharjah, Januaty 26, 2024, The Europe Today: Sheikh Salem bin Abdulrahman, Chairman of Sharjah Ruler’s Office, presided over the opening ceremony of the ninth edition of the Sharjah International Cycling Tour on Friday afternoon. The prestigious event kicked off with its first stage, covering a challenging route of 134.46 kilometers starting from Sharjah Fort to Kalba Fort.

A total of 168 cyclists from 21 countries are participating in the five-stage cycling tour, covering a cumulative distance of 503 kilometers. The highly anticipated competition will run until January 31 and includes a local youth tour and a dedicated race for individuals with disabilities.

The second stage, named “Sustainability,” will commence on Saturday, January 27, covering a distance of 137.66 kilometers from Bee’ah Group to “Ajmal Makan” in Hamriyah. Following this, the third stage, starting from “Al Heera Beach,” is set for Sunday, January 28, covering 10.12 kilometers, with the route beginning and ending at the Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilisation.

Simultaneously, the first stage of the Youth Tour, covering a distance of 10.12 kilometers, will take place on January 28, starting and finishing at the Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilisation. Additionally, a “against the clock” race for people with disabilities will be held on the same day, spanning 10.12 kilometers for wheelchair (category “H”) and special bicycles (category “C”).

The penultimate stage, named “East Coast,” will take place on Tuesday, January 30, covering a distance of 125.57 kilometers. The race will start in front of the University of Kalba and conclude at “Shees Park” in Khorfakkan. The grand finale, the fifth stage titled “Shees Rest House,” is scheduled for Wednesday, January 31, starting at 11 am. Covering a distance of 95.08 kilometers, the stage will begin at Shees Park and culminate at Sharjah Safari in Al Dhaid.

The inauguration ceremony witnessed the presence of prominent dignitaries, including Sheikh Faisal bin Humaid Al Qasimi, President of The Arab Cycling Federation, Major General Saif Al Zari Al Shamsi, Commander-in-Chief of Sharjah Police, Issa Hilal Al Hazami, Chairman of the Sharjah Sports Council, Mansour Bu Asiba, President of the UAE Cycling Federation, and several other officials in the sports sector. The event aims to promote cycling as a major sporting activity while fostering international camaraderie and inclusivity.