Two centuries ago, the iconic French general and dictator, Napoleon Bonaparte, predicted the true potential of China by saying, “China is a sleeping lion in Asia. Let her sleep for when she wakes she will shake the world.”1 Yesterday’s words are the reality of today because Beijing has wakened up from its deep slumber as rightly noted by the French President Francois Hollande, “today, the lion has wakened up but it is peaceful, pleasant and civilized. In the same manner, the Chinese President, Xi Jinping, victoriously acknowledged in 2014, that the emergence of modern China is no less than economic flashpoint in the world. As of now, Beijing is in a struggle to continue pragmatic economic diplomacy for the reason to maintain its historical legacy as an Asian power. powers dragged China into Opium Wars (1839 and 1856) but the Chinese spirit prevailed and recognized itself as a strong and stable country. So, in the present scenario, it is the only country that has the potential to directly challenge the American global leadership and influence in the world China is a remarkable country not only as a swiftly rising market in the world but also as a manufacturing hub for international operations .It has initiated global investment, trade and capital flows in the world and sustaining the desired economic development since the last two decades. Even being the most populous country, its enormous economic growth in per capita income is more than eight per cent a year, which has changed the living standard of its people and converted the country into a global economic power. The western countries countered China’s rapid development to maintain distance between investments and exports and attraction of more foreign direct investment; moving toward a system based on more exports reasonable pricing on land and power as well as for fuel; very high subsides institutions of the financial market and deploying bigger exchange rates flexibility Xiaoping took power in 1978, he started to reform economically and socially. China has adopted “open door policy” and this brought about the enormous impact to its transformation that was dubbed “China’s rise as Asian giant” double-digit growth with around 680 million Chinese lifted out of poverty: is a tremendous achievement of economic growth is the most outstanding economic progress of our human kind .China is said to be an economic miracle by its rapid growth, and it is hard to think of an end of it impact on the world. At the beginning of the 21st century, a period full of important changes began, in which China became the main market of the world.
Concept of one Belt and Road
BRI, which would order the new economical map of the world securing the high quality infrastructure links and the economic corridors, both the “Silk Road Economic Belt” and the “Maritime Silk Road” will be promoted. One could argue that this new term “Silk Road” translate to “Belt” – this would be a global infrastructure and connectivity network huge engineering undertaking beginning from Khorgan (China) to Qingdao (China).Involvement of Central Asian Republics (CARs) in Russian pipelines and further to Europe.
In the similarly, inland highway will transform a cluster of ports and coastline as well the infrastructure from South and Southeast Asia towards East Africa and the northern part of the continent Mediterranean Basin. The initiative includes about 65 countries covered and it is focused on BRI porting countries this will guarantee geographical diversification of our investment suggesting Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa through complex and extensive logistics and transport system According to the World BRI Integration: Bank report indicates investment an opportunity, such Chinese people welcomed. The economic wellbeing of low-income and middle-income countries can be enhanced if they become participants in international trade are situated across silk-road.
Development of CPEC
The first China-Pakistan Economic Corridor agreement was signed at the Asia Summit in 2013. In 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Pakistan. With China’s launch of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and the advancement of new technologies and the participation of developing countries, its infrastructure construction will be promoted. In fact, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has been called a “game changer” and an “ongoing project”. “More” Chinese investment is about to change the “rules of the game” in Pakistan. The last few kilometers have to be completed within the next decade and there is no doubt that Pakistan will become the right wing of Asia. start working. In addition, countries that make money to support their energy sectors through energy production projects such as coal, solar, wind, etc. are expected to lose $15.5 billion. The 25th issue of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has 21 energy-related articles. More than 10,000 MW of projects have been completed. Therefore, the power plants constructed under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will add to Pakistan’s previously added 7,000 MW power generation capacity. In addition, the nearly 3,000-kilometer China-Pakistan Economic Corridor network includes pipelines, roads and railways that transport oil and natural gas from the south. The port will open within ten years of the completion of the Kashgar Gwadar Port in Pakistan, and China is very interested in realizing this “grand plan” It is the southernmost region as its port is 4,500 kilometers away from Xinjiang waters.

On the other hand, the length of the 2,100 miles of Indian Ocean across Sri Lanka is only 2,500 kilometers compared to the recently opened Gwadar port. Shipping oil to Hormuz through Gwadar port is easier than transporting oil by sea. Because of this, Beijing is planning to build Gwadar port via sea and road. Therefore, the Chinese will build a 14-kilometer highway and an airport to connect the Persian Gulf region. The main station for communication with China is There is no doubt that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will enhance China’s ability to enter and get rich. Any type of oil or gas pipeline from Gwadar would be a good plant to test the direction of China’s economy.
Regional interaction and the economic corridor
From strategic point of view, Pakistan is located in the region of South Asia which is highly is a fulcrum in the great power struggle. Eu standing in a good geographical position has been an advantage cargos to CARs can reach to Gwadar port through SLF which is the economical and cheaper way while the distance of India’s Iranian space center is only 2600 km, whereas the distance of Iran’s Chabahar space center is 12.07 km more Stretching at sea between Southeast of the country and the Gulf of Oman. Being a mountainous region, Afghanistan has to use the Gwader port to listen port that is deep-water and attracts many countries of the region .In furthermore, the CPEC is a pioneering correlated idea and creation of a new destiny, setting the bar for future projects for the matter of fact, it is a great stimulus. Hence, very significant progress is accomplished will strengthen Pakistan-China relations. Besides, the whole system depends on it It promotes the trades rather than the dependence on outside the global community which is a combination of traditional bank borrowing and borrowing on foreign loans and credits for economic development. Therefore, the CPEC has ensured the achievement of explicit growth target of 6.2 per cent because the economy’s policy stability and continuity. There are Pakistan most likely would take another great step in its present action, if it continued its present rise of growth, it is part of the post-Brexit UK agenda to be in the forefront of the world’s best and developed economies.
China has traditionally had Interactions with various Regions and the Remaining World yet, the world is connected since the ancient time Silk Road was in existence and it will not only connect into China unlike for example that of Pacific, the Indian Ocean is covering the territory of South and Southwest Asia and Central Asia. The rail also advantageous will be the linkage to be established between the China-Pakistan corridor believes that the new venture will be industry of multi array type and that is why achievement of the progress of Gwadar port would be one of the interesting developments.
China has achieved the economic supremacy over the world It is a large-scale modernizer of the state and society who has taken central position which preoccupies to itself as a result, it has not only the vision but also the right place of leading the new wave of globalization through it massive economic investment. The country has embarked on economic facilitation projects , such as the BRI that illustrates China’s leading role in participating and guiding the development of international trade integration and regionalization of the areas. In addition to that, CPEC is the major economic programed with far-reaching effects that is tuned to become a pathfinder in my life as well by supporting the democratic transition and ensuring a peaceful and secure environment for the nation. The Chinese the inflow of investment to Pakistan can make by China-Pakistan relations pass the tough times critical for political as well as economic stability in both countries, it will also be mostly broaden the extent the sustainable and stable development cover in the case of context, Gwadar port establishment is an encouraging development public welfare and promotion of the underprivileged area of the country. Moreover, the CPEC will augment the country’s energy capacity in order to Supply the required energy to the population industry and people. It is estimated that the project can assist with the reduction of the deforestation occurrence issues the poverty of the underdeveloped Xinjiang area. However, Pakistan also develops domestically as economic activities bring in wealth and exchanges benefits. While the venture offers many benefits to China, it has an outstanding achievement of ensuring peace and prosperity.

Ms. Syeda Manal Tirmizi Research Associate at Pakistan Research Center for a Community with Shared Future ( PRCCSF).