Breaking News

John Geering

Uzbek FM Bakhtiyor Saidov Welcomes New Australian Ambassador, John Geering

Tashkent, February 24, 2024, The Europe Today: The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan, Bakhtiyor Saidov, warmly welcomed the new Ambassador of Australia with residence in Moscow, His Excellency John Geering, during a meeting held on February 23, 2024.

In an official statement posted on his telegram channel, Minister Saidov conveyed the productive nature of their meeting, where he received the copies of Ambassador Geering’s credentials. The Minister highlighted the focus of the discussions, stating, “Increasing bilateral trade, searching for new opportunities of cooperation, as well as addressing regional and international issues were on the agenda of our meeting.”

Ambassador John Geering, in his new role, is set to play a crucial role in fostering diplomatic ties between Australia and Uzbekistan. The discussions emphasized the commitment of both nations to strengthen their partnership across various sectors, promoting economic collaboration and addressing shared challenges on the regional and global stage.

The Minister expressed optimism about the prospects for enhanced cooperation under Ambassador Geering’s tenure. The exchange of views during the meeting underscored the mutual interest in deepening the bilateral relationship between Uzbekistan and Australia.

It is noteworthy that Graham Meehan had previously served as the Ambassador of Australia to Uzbekistan from 2020 to 2024, contributing to the diplomatic endeavors between the two nations during his tenure.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs looks forward to the continued collaboration with Ambassador John Geering, as both countries strive to build on the foundation of their diplomatic ties for the mutual benefit of their peoples.