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Chinese President Xi Jinping

Chinese President Xi Jinping Holds Talks with Newly Elected President of Indonesia Prabowo Subianto

Beijing, April 02, 2024, The Europe Today: Chinese President Xi Jinping engaged in fruitful discussions with newly elected President of the Republic of Indonesia and General Chairman of the Great Indonesia Movement Party, Prabowo Subianto, during his visit to China on Monday.

President Xi extended warm congratulations to Prabowo on his election victory and conveyed sincere greetings to President Joko Widodo through him.

Reflecting on the substantial progress achieved in bilateral relations over the past decade under the guidance of the two countries’ leaders, President Xi emphasized the significant milestones, including the successful collaboration on the Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway project. He highlighted the importance of deepening comprehensive strategic cooperation between China and Indonesia, aiming to forge a community with a shared future that holds regional and global influence.

President Xi reiterated China’s commitment to strategic independence, mutual trust, and mutually beneficial cooperation with Indonesia. He emphasized the mutual support between the two countries on issues concerning sovereignty, security, and development interests. President Xi underscored the importance of unity and cooperation between major developing countries like China and Indonesia in setting an example for win-win cooperation and shared development.

The discussion also touched upon strengthening cooperation on governance, promoting development strategies alignment, and advancing key projects such as the “Two Countries, Twin Parks” initiative and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Corridor. President Xi expressed China’s readiness to enhance collaboration with Indonesia in poverty reduction efforts.

Amidst significant global transformations, President Xi emphasized the importance of upholding the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and fostering solidarity among developing countries. He stressed the need for multilateral coordination to safeguard common interests and promote an open and inclusive regional architecture.

In response, President-elect Prabowo conveyed President Widodo’s sincere greetings to President Xi and expressed his admiration for China’s remarkable achievements under President Xi’s leadership. He reaffirmed Indonesia’s commitment to deepening ties with China and supporting the one-China policy.

President-elect Prabowo reiterated Indonesia’s support for China’s core interests and emphasized the importance of implementing the consensus on building a community of shared future between the two countries. He expressed willingness to strengthen alignment of development strategies, enhance cooperation in various fields, and contribute to South-South cooperation.

The meeting concluded with a shared commitment to advancing bilateral relations and fostering greater cooperation for the mutual benefit of the two nations and their peoples.