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Uzbekistan Engages in UNESCO’s Great Silk Road Program: Promoting Cultural Exchange and Heritage Preservation

Tashkent, April 28, 2024, The Europe Today: The Permanent Representation of Uzbekistan at UNESCO actively participated in a significant meeting of the Great Silk Road program convened at the organization’s headquarters. The event welcomed notable attendees including Gabriela Ramos, UNESCO’s Deputy General Director for social and humanitarian sciences, alongside heads and staff members from permanent representative offices of several countries, including Kazakhstan, China, Azerbaijan, Oman, Mongolia, and Yemen, among others.

Gabriela Ramos delivered a comprehensive report outlining the ongoing activities of the Great Silk Road program and shared forthcoming plans. The presentation encompassed various initiatives such as the “The Great Silk Road Through the Eyes of Youth” photo contest, “The Great Silk Road Youth Research Grant,” establishment of the “International Network of Persons Responsible for the Great Silk Road Program,” and the development of a thematic collection of cultural exchanges titled “The Great Silk Road.”

Emphasizing the program’s contribution to international cooperation, Ramos highlighted collaborative projects with Uzbekistan, particularly citing the success of cultural forums such as the international cultural forum “Central Asia – at the Crossroads of World Civilizations” held in Khiva in 2021 and the grand cultural forum “Central Asia at the Crossroads of World Civilizations” at the UNESCO Headquarters in 2023, commemorating the life and contributions of Beruni.

Continuing this fruitful collaboration, Ramos announced the establishment of the Abu Rayhan Beruni Foundation, aimed at promoting scientific communication and ethical practices in artificial intelligence. Additionally, plans for the creation of the UNESCO-Uzbekistan international award were unveiled.

Given Samarkand’s historical significance as a pivotal stop along the Great Silk Road and its role as the host city for the 43rd session of the UNESCO General Conference in 2025, proposals were made to organize a dedicated side-event during the conference to spotlight the program’s endeavors.

Participants commended the achievements of the Great Silk Road program and underscored the need for further engagement with the public to amplify its impact. The Permanent Representation of Uzbekistan reaffirmed its commitment to fostering mutual cooperation with Great Silk Road countries and pledged active participation in future program initiatives.

Uzbekistan’s dedication to initiatives such as the “Great Silk Road through the Eyes of Young People” photo contest and the “International Network of Persons Responsible for the Great Silk Road Program” was reiterated, signaling a strong commitment to cultural exchange and heritage preservation.

The meeting concluded with a reaffirmation of UNESCO’s commitment to exploring the rich history and heritage of the Great Silk Road and leveraging digital platforms to enhance cooperative relations along this historic network.