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Turkmenistan and Belarus

Turkmenistan and Belarus Strengthen Bilateral Relations: High-Level Diplomatic Meeting Emphasizes Diverse Cooperation

Minsk, May 01, 2024, The Europe Today: In a recent diplomatic encounter, Ambassador Nazarguly Shagulyev of Turkmenistan and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Nazaruk of Belarus engaged in discussions aimed at fortifying the robust ties between their respective nations. The Turkmen diplomatic mission in Belarus reported that the dialogue centered on enhancing cooperation across various sectors.

Both parties underscored their shared commitment to fostering political, diplomatic, trade, economic, cultural, and humanitarian relations. Emphasis was placed on leveraging the positive experiences gained through collaboration in education, science, sports, and healthcare.

The meeting witnessed a mutual appreciation for the fruitful partnership between the foreign policy departments of Turkmenistan and Belarus. Additionally, commendation was extended to the successful collaboration between the two nations within the framework of international organizations, reflecting a shared commitment to global engagement and cooperation.

Ambassador Shagulyev extended a gesture of goodwill by presenting Deputy Minister Nazaruk with a special edition of the international illustrated magazine “Turkmenistan.” This edition was dedicated to honoring the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi, a revered Turkmen poet and philosopher, highlighting the cultural depth and historical significance shared between the two nations.

The diplomatic discussions underscored a collective endeavor to deepen and diversify the longstanding relationship between Turkmenistan and Belarus, laying the groundwork for expanded collaboration and mutual prosperity in the years ahead.