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China and Hungary

China and Hungary Elevate Bilateral Relations to Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

Budapest, May 10, 2024, The Europe Today: In a significant diplomatic move, China and Hungary have declared their intention to enhance their bilateral relations to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era. This announcement came following discussions between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two nations, heralding a pivotal moment for the advancement of their relationship. President Xi Jinping emphasized the longstanding friendship and mutual support between China and Hungary, stating that it is natural for both countries to elevate their ties to a higher level of cooperation.

During a joint press conference with Prime Minister Orban, President Xi Jinping highlighted the shared values of trust, support, and win-win cooperation that have characterized the relationship between China and Hungary. He stressed the importance of injecting fresh momentum into bilateral cooperation and fostering a brighter future for both peoples.

President Xi Jinping emphasized that China-Hungary relations are currently enjoying their most prosperous period in history. With deepening political trust and fruitful cooperation across various sectors, the two nations have become exemplars for building a new type of international relations.

Acknowledging Hungary as a valued partner in China’s modernization journey, President Xi Jinping expressed China’s willingness to collaborate closely with Hungary on development strategies. He outlined plans to leverage existing mechanisms such as the China-Hungary Inter-Governmental Belt and Road Cooperation Committee to promote cooperation in infrastructure, green energy, and emerging fields like clean energy and artificial intelligence.

In a joint statement, both nations pledged to enhance synergy between China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Hungary’s “Eastern Opening” policy. They committed to deeper and more substantive progress in high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, ensuring the safety and security of cooperation projects and striving for greater practical outcomes.

President Xi Jinping also underscored the importance of cultural exchange, emphasizing continued support for the teaching of both countries’ languages.

Furthermore, President Xi Jinping expressed China’s readiness to strengthen multilateral communication and coordination with Hungary to advocate for a fair, inclusive, and multi-polar world. He encouraged Hungary, as the upcoming rotating president of the European Union, to contribute to the steady development of China-EU relations.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban reciprocated President Xi Jinping’s sentiments, reaffirming Hungary’s commitment to supporting China’s core interests and adhering to the one-China principle. He emphasized Hungary’s rejection of separatist activities and its willingness to collaborate with China to safeguard global peace and stability.

So the elevation of bilateral relations between China and Hungary to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership signifies a new chapter in their enduring friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation. As both nations forge ahead, they aim to deepen their collaboration across various sectors and contribute to the advancement of regional and global prosperity.