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Uzbekistan and Saudi Arabia

Uzbekistan and Saudi Arabia to Strengthen Cultural Ties with Upcoming Cultural Days

Riyadh, June 09, 2024, The Europe Today: The Ambassador of Uzbekistan, Nodirjon Turgunov, recently held a significant meeting with Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Minister of Culture, Fahd al-Kanan, to discuss the organization of Uzbekistan Culture Days in Saudi Arabia, according to Uzbek media reports.

During their conversation, both sides explored various avenues to enhance bilateral cultural cooperation. Deputy Minister al-Kanan highlighted the growing cooperation between Uzbekistan and Saudi Arabia across all sectors. He praised the active participation of Uzbek representatives in major cultural events in Saudi Arabia over recent years and emphasized the importance of intensifying efforts in this direction.

“The delegation of Uzbekistan is actively participating in the International Islamic Biennale, held every two years. We look forward to participating in the next event, scheduled to be held in Saudi Arabia in January 2025. We propose that the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan, the Culture and Art Development Fund, and representatives of the Office of Muslims of Uzbekistan collaborate on this initiative,” stated Deputy Minister al-Kanan.

The meeting culminated in an agreement to continue negotiations for hosting Uzbekistan Culture Days in the Saudi cities of Riyadh and Jeddah later this year. This initiative aims to showcase the rich cultural heritage of Uzbekistan and foster closer cultural ties between the two nations.

Both parties expressed optimism that these cultural events would not only strengthen bilateral relations but also promote mutual understanding and appreciation of each other’s cultural traditions. The discussions mark a significant step towards enhancing cultural exchange and cooperation between Uzbekistan and Saudi Arabia.