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Chinese State Councilor Shen Yiqin

Chinese State Councilor Shen Yiqin Advocates for Youth Football Training and Cultural Heritage Protection in Xinjiang

Urumqi, June 13, 2024, The Europe Today: Chinese State Councilor Shen Yiqin has emphasized the need to strengthen football training for young people and enhance the protection and utilization of cultural relics and heritage. Shen made these remarks during a research tour from Monday to Wednesday in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

During her visit, Shen reviewed football training programs in schools and training bases in the region. She underscored the importance of promoting football on campuses and improving the youth football training system to develop well-rounded football players. Shen highlighted the significance of fostering communication and exchanges among students from various ethnic groups through sports to cultivate a strong sense of community within the Chinese nation.

In addition to her focus on sports, Shen stressed the importance of coordinating efforts to protect cultural relics. She advocated for integrating culture and tourism, developing signature tourism initiatives, and making tourism a key source of employment and income growth for the region.

Shen’s tour reflects the government’s commitment to both the development of youth sports and the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage, aiming to bolster social cohesion and economic prosperity in Xinjiang.