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Kazakhstan and Thailand

Kazakhstan and Thailand Strengthen Cultural Ties

Bangkok, June 16, 2024, The Europe Today: In a move to enhance cultural ties between Kazakhstan and Thailand, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Thailand, Arman Issetov, met with the Thai Minister of Culture, Sudawan Wangsuphakijkosol. The meeting also saw the participation of Kazakh producer Nurlan Koyanbayev, representing the Kazakh side, as reported by the Kazinform News Agency.

Ambassador Issetov highlighted the significance of Thailand’s rich cultural heritage in the context of global civilization. Both parties agreed that fostering cultural exchange is pivotal for deepening mutual understanding and bringing the peoples of Kazakhstan and Thailand closer together.

During the discussions, Ambassador Issetov outlined the Embassy of Kazakhstan’s plans to initiate various cultural projects in Thailand. These initiatives include film production, music, fine arts, and children’s art, aiming to showcase Kazakh culture and art to the Thai audience. He requested the support of the Thai government for these initiatives.

Minister Sudawan Wangsuphakijkosol expressed Thailand’s readiness to engage in dialogue and extend the necessary support to these cultural endeavors. She emphasized the importance of developing mutually beneficial relations between the two nations through cultural exchange and collaboration.

The meeting underscored the commitment of both Kazakhstan and Thailand to strengthening their cultural bonds, paving the way for a vibrant exchange of artistic and cultural expressions. This partnership aims to enhance bilateral relations and promote a greater understanding of each country’s cultural heritage.