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Shavkat Mirziyoyev

Shavkat Mirziyoyev Meets with UNWTO Secretary-General to Strengthen Tourism Cooperation

Samarkand, June 15, 2024, The Europe Today: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, met today in Samarkand with the Secretary-General of the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Zurab Pololikashvili, who is on a working visit to Uzbekistan. The meeting focused on further enhancing the multifaceted cooperation between Uzbekistan and this specialized UN institution.

Discussions reviewed the progress made in implementing agreements and initiatives from the 25th session of the UNWTO General Assembly, held in Samarkand in October 2023. Both parties expressed high regard for the UN General Assembly’s adoption of the resolution initiated by Uzbekistan to declare 2027 as the International Year of Sustainable and Resilient Tourism.

The meeting underscored the strategic partnership between UNWTO and Uzbekistan, highlighting the organization’s role in developing modern tourism infrastructure and promoting Uzbekistan’s tourist destinations. President Mirziyoyev and Secretary-General Pololikashvili discussed the importance of continuing joint efforts to implement programs and projects aimed at creating comfortable conditions for tourists and developing various forms of tourism, including pilgrimage, cultural, educational, and domestic tourism.

Special attention was given to the need for training qualified personnel in hospitality and service, leveraging the capabilities of the International Tourism Academy in Samarkand. The development of a skilled workforce is seen as crucial for enhancing the quality of Uzbekistan’s tourism offerings.

Furthermore, both parties agreed to expand practical cooperation to support the participation of Uzbek tour operators in major international tourism fairs and exhibitions. This initiative aims to further popularize Uzbekistan as a premier tourist destination on the global stage.

The meeting concluded with a mutual commitment to strengthen the partnership between Uzbekistan and UNWTO, working collaboratively to achieve sustainable and resilient growth in the tourism sector.