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Chinese Premier Li Qiang

Chinese Premier Li Qiang Arrives in Malaysia for Official Visit

Kuala Lumpur, June 18, 2024, The Europe Today: Chinese Premier Li Qiang arrived in Malaysia on Tuesday for an official visit, marking the third and final leg of his eight-day tour, which included visits to New Zealand and Australia.

Upon his arrival, Premier Li highlighted the robust development of China-Malaysia relations since the establishment of diplomatic ties 50 years ago. He noted that strategic mutual trust has been continuously strengthened, cultural and people-to-people exchanges have deepened, and high-quality cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative has yielded significant results. These advancements have brought tangible benefits to the citizens of both countries and contributed to regional peace and development.

Premier Li emphasized that last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim reached a pivotal agreement on jointly building a China-Malaysia community with a shared future, ushering in a new era for bilateral relations.

“China is eager to work hand in hand with Malaysia, using the 50th anniversary of our diplomatic relations as a new starting point to further align our development strategies, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, enhance cultural exchanges, and continuously advance the building of a China-Malaysia community with a shared future,” Premier Li stated. “This partnership aims to make greater contributions to peace, stability, development, and prosperity in the region and globally.”

Li’s visit to Malaysia follows his official visit to Australia, where he participated in the ninth China-Australia Annual Leaders’ Meeting with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

During his stay in Kuala Lumpur, Premier Li is scheduled to hold talks with Malaysia’s King Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. He will also attend a special event commemorating the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia.