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Trần Thanh Mẫn

Vietnamese National Assembly Chairman Trần Thanh Mẫn Meets Russian President Vladimir Putin in Hanoi

Hanoi, June 20, 2024, The Europe Today: Chairman of the National Assembly Trần Thanh Mẫn met with visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin in Hà Nội on Thursday, emphasizing the importance that the Party, State, and people of Việt Nam place on his state visit. During the meeting, Chairman Mẫn congratulated Russia on the successful organization of its 2024 presidential election and commended the comprehensive achievements Russia has made under President Putin’s leadership.

Chairman Mẫn highlighted Việt Nam’s long-standing value of the traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership with Russia, recalling the wholehearted support and assistance from the people of the former Soviet Union and modern-day Russia to Việt Nam. He affirmed that Việt Nam considers its relationship with Russia of strategic importance, noting that Russia is a crucial partner in Việt Nam’s foreign policy. Chairman Mẫn expressed Việt Nam’s desire to enhance cooperation with Russia across all fields for the common interests of both peoples, and for peace, stability, and development in the region and the world.

Inter-parliamentary cooperation was identified as a key pillar in the friendship and cooperation between the two nations. Chairman Mẫn detailed the outcomes of inter-parliamentary collaboration, mentioning that the Vietnamese National Assembly has signed cooperation agreements with Russia’s Federation Council and State Duma. He revealed that both sides are currently discussing renewing this agreement within the year to include specific cooperation content between the Friendship Parliamentary Group of Việt Nam and the Cooperation Group with the Vietnamese National Assembly of the Russian Federation Council.

Chairman Mẫn outlined specific orientations and cooperative activities expected to be undertaken by the two legislatures in the near future to bolster Việt Nam-Russia relations. He lauded President Putin’s contributions to the development of bilateral relations and expressed hope that President Putin would continue to support and promote ties between the two countries’ legislatures.

President Putin agreed with Chairman Mẫn’s positive assessment of the relations between the two countries and their legislative bodies. He emphasized the importance of inter-parliamentary cooperation and collaboration between the nations’ political parties, highlighting the robust relationship between the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and the United Russia party, as well as between the National Assembly of Việt Nam and the Federal Assembly of Russia. President Putin noted that these relationships provide a foundation for strengthening ties between the two parliaments, creating a legal framework to bolster Việt Nam-Russia relations.

President Putin also stressed the priority Russia places on promoting ties with ASEAN, noting that such cooperation will foster development for both sides. He expressed his anticipation of welcoming Chairman Mẫn for an official visit to Russia at the invitation of Vyacheslav Volodin, Chairman of the State Duma of Russia.