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Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Meets with New Kyrgyz Ambassador

Baku, June 25, 2024, The Europe Today: In a significant diplomatic engagement, Azerbaijan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jeyhun Bayramov, held a meeting with the newly appointed Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to Azerbaijan, Maksat Mamytkanov. The meeting, reported by Azerbaijani media, marked the official commencement of Ambassador Mamytkanov’s tenure.

Ambassador Mamytkanov presented a copy of his credentials to Minister Bayramov, who warmly congratulated him on his appointment and extended his best wishes for success in his new role. The meeting provided an opportunity for both sides to discuss various aspects of the bilateral cooperation agenda and explore avenues for further enhancing cooperation across political, economic, transport, humanitarian, and cultural domains.

Minister Bayramov highlighted the deep-rooted friendly relations between Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan, which are based on shared ethnic, cultural, and religious ties that have flourished over centuries. He emphasized the potential for further development of these relations, noting the mutual understanding and strategic partnership that has been established through high-level contacts and reciprocal visits between the leaders of the two countries.

Both parties praised the ongoing cooperation on multilateral platforms, particularly within the Organisation of Turkic States (OTS), SPECA, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and other regional organizations. They underscored the importance of leveraging the existing potential within the OTS framework and highlighted the significance of maintaining intensive contacts among OTS member states. In this context, the upcoming extraordinary summit in Shusha in July and the official summit in Bishkek in October were noted as pivotal events expected to further advance the organization’s objectives.

The meeting also touched on prospects for collaboration within the framework of COP29. Minister Bayramov expressed his appreciation for Kyrgyzstan’s support in the peace and construction process, citing the establishment of a high school in Khydyrly village of Aghdam as a testament to this support.

Ambassador Mamytkanov affirmed his commitment to further strengthening the bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan, assuring that he would dedicate his efforts to this cause.

In conclusion, the meeting was marked by a comprehensive exchange of views on issues of mutual interest, reinforcing the commitment of both nations to deepen their partnership across various fields.