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President Xi Jinping

President Xi Jinping Calls for Sustained Development and Prosperity in Ethnic Areas

Beijing, June 26, 2024, The Europe Today: Chinese President Xi Jinping has emphasized the importance of sustained efforts to promote high-quality development and common prosperity in regions with significant ethnic minority populations. Xi, who also serves as the general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made these remarks in a reply letter to the people of Jingning She Autonomous County, located in east China’s Zhejiang Province.

Jingning She Autonomous County, established in 1984, is unique as the only autonomous county of the She ethnic group in China. As of the end of last year, the She ethnic group population in the county stood at 18,410, representing approximately 11 percent of the county’s total population.

The county’s Party and government authorities recently wrote to President Xi, detailing the achievements of Jingning over the past four decades and expressing their commitment to leading the way in promoting common prosperity in ethnic regions.

In his reply, Xi commended the county’s accomplishments and expressed his satisfaction in seeing the improved living standards of all ethnic groups in the area. He encouraged Jingning to continue upholding its fine traditions, strengthening ethnic unity, and leveraging its unique advantages to foster further development.

“Jingning has made significant strides over the past 40 years,” Xi noted. “I am pleased to hear that the people of all ethnic groups are enjoying better lives. I urge you to maintain your dedication to your traditions, promote ethnic unity, and harness your unique strengths to write a new chapter in development.”

President Xi’s call to action underscores the central government’s commitment to enhancing the well-being and prosperity of ethnic minority regions, fostering unity, and driving high-quality development across China.