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Vietnamese NA Chairman

Vietnamese NA Chairman Hosts Reception for Leaders of National Audit Institutions

Hanoi, July 10, 2024, The Europe Today: Vietnamese National Assembly Chairman Trần Thanh Mẫn presided over a reception in Hà Nội for leaders of national audit institutions and international organizations attending the 30th founding anniversary ceremony of the State Audit Office of Việt Nam (SAV).

In his address, NA Chairman Mẫn underscored the SAV’s remarkable progress and innovation over the past thirty years. He highlighted its pivotal role as a key institution of the Party and State in overseeing and auditing the management and use of public finances and assets, while actively combating corruption, wastefulness, and other negative practices.

Chairman Mẫn expressed his satisfaction with the SAV’s establishment and maintenance of strong relationships with national audit institutions globally, and its active participation in international audit organizations. These engagements, he noted, take place through various forums, conferences, and workshops, facilitating the exchange of experiences and best practices.

The NA Chairman commended the valuable proposals and solutions contributed by audit institutions at the workshop held by the SAV the same day, emphasizing their potential application in Việt Nam’s specific context.

Expressing his vision for the future, Chairman Mẫn called for the SAV to continue serving as a vital link in the development of the public audit community both regionally and globally. He also urged international audit organizations to support the SAV in fulfilling its responsibilities, as assigned by Vietnamese Party and State leaders, as well as its obligations to the international community.

The Chairman stressed the necessity for ongoing innovation and enhancement in audit activities to ensure the SAV can meet the evolving demands of the new era and contribute to the nation’s sustainable development.

Auditor General of South Africa AGSA Tsakani Maluleke lauded the interconnectedness of the international state audit community, which consistently supports and learns from each other to foster development, transparency, and good governance across all state audit institutions.

Commending the SAV’s substantial contributions to the international community of supreme audit institutions and the activities of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), she highlighted the SAV’s crucial role in the ASEAN Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASEANSAI) and the Asian Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI), particularly during its tenure as ASOSAI Chair from 2018 to 2021.

Maluleke affirmed that the support from various agencies, including the National Assembly, is essential in providing the resources necessary for state audit institutions to effectively perform their challenging tasks.