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Pakistan Lodges Complaint After Protesters Breach Consulate in Frankfurt

Frankfurt, July 22, 2024, The Europe Today: Pakistan has lodged a formal complaint with the German government following an incident on Saturday in which a group of protesters breached the Pakistani consulate in Frankfurt and removed the national flag. The protest, which involved around 400 individuals carrying Afghan flags, took place outside the consulate.

Statements from Pakistan

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister, Ishaq Dar, addressed the incident on social media, stating, “Yesterday a gang of extremists breached the premises of Pakistan’s consulate in Frankfurt, Germany, endangering the lives of its consular staff. Pakistan has lodged a strong protest with the German Government.” Dar emphasized the need for Germany to fulfill its obligations under the Vienna Conventions to ensure the security of diplomatic missions and staff.

The Pakistani Foreign Ministry echoed these sentiments, condemning “the failure of the German authorities” to protect the consulate. The ministry called on German authorities to take immediate measures to arrest and prosecute those involved in the breach and to hold accountable those responsible for the lapses in security.

Details of the Protest

The protest was organized to highlight complaints against Pakistan’s military and intelligence services, with organizers accusing them of targeting critics and political opponents. During the demonstration, a small group of men forcibly entered the consulate grounds, throwing stones and climbing a pole to remove the Pakistani flag. A video of the incident was circulated on social media.

The police, who were present at the protest, intervened by removing several individuals from the premises and dispersing the crowd. The Frankfurt police have stated that the State Security division is investigating the incident.

International Diplomatic Norms

The 1961 Geneva Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which outlines the rights and protections of diplomatic missions, states that the premises of a diplomatic mission are inviolable and that the host nation must protect the mission from intrusion or damage. Pakistan has urged Germany to uphold these international norms and ensure the safety of its diplomatic staff and missions.

Pakistan’s strong response underscores the gravity of the incident and the importance of diplomatic security in maintaining international relations.