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Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping Chairs Meeting on Flood Control and Disaster Relief

Beijing, July 25, 2024, The Europe Today: Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, chaired a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on Thursday to address flood control and disaster relief efforts.

China is currently in a critical period of flood control, with significant flooding anticipated in major river basins, including the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers. The onset of typhoons is expected to exacerbate the already severe and complex flood control situation, according to an official readout of the meeting.

From late July to early August, China experiences its peak flood season. During this time, heavy rainfall and typhoons cause water levels to rise, posing significant threats to communities along rivers, near lakes, and on coastlines.

Forecasts indicate that all seven major river basins in China could experience flooding during this period. Additionally, typhoons are likely to move into inland regions, accompanied by an increased frequency of intense and extreme weather events, which could have devastating consequences.

On Wednesday, China’s National Meteorological Center issued a red alert, the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi, marking the first such alert for a typhoon this year.

The meeting urged authorities at all levels to remain highly vigilant and proactive in flood control to win the tough battle against floods. Emphasizing the principle of prioritizing people’s lives and safety, the meeting called for every effort to minimize casualties by promptly relocating those in danger.

The need to reinforce water infrastructure nationwide to prevent dike breaches and dam bursts in major rivers and reservoirs was emphasized. Additionally, the meeting called for the prompt allocation of disaster relief funds and appropriate arrangements to take care of affected residents, ensuring their needs for medical services and education are met, and helping them resume production and rebuild their homes.

Solid work on disaster control in the agricultural sector is essential to minimize losses and ensure China’s food security, the meeting concluded.

These directives underscore the government’s commitment to safeguarding the lives and well-being of its citizens during this critical period of flood control and disaster relief.