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Indonesian Embassy Celebrates 79th Independence Day

Indonesian Embassy Celebrates 79th Independence Day with Solemn Flag Hoisting Ceremony

Islamabad, August 17, 2024, The Europe Today: The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Pakistan commemorated the 79th Independence Day of Indonesia with a solemn Flag Hoisting Ceremony at the Embassy’s premises on Thursday morning. The event was led by the Chargé d’Affaires, Mr. Rahmat Hindiarta Kusuma, and marked the culmination of a series of pre-events aimed at fostering unity, mutual respect, and patriotism among Indonesians in Pakistan.

The ceremony was attended by Embassy officials, their families, and hundreds of members of the Indonesian diaspora from various cities across Pakistan. The event also saw the presence of prominent religious leaders, journalists, experts from esteemed think tanks, and representatives of the business community, all gathered to celebrate this significant day in traditional Indonesian fervor.

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The ceremony began with a moment of silence in tribute to Indonesia’s national heroes, followed by the reading of the Proclamation of Independence. The highlight of the event was the solemn hoisting of the red and white Indonesian flag by the Embassy’s Flag Hoisting Team, comprising Indonesian students. The flag was raised to the accompaniment of the Indonesian National Anthem, “Indonesia Raya,” in a display of national pride.

Following the flag hoisting, Mr. Kusuma escorted the guests of honor to the Embassy’s Hall for a reception featuring traditional Indonesian delicacies, including Tumpeng, a cone-shaped rice dish that holds a special place in Indonesian celebrations. In his remarks, Mr. Kusuma expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all attendees, emphasizing the enduring friendship between Indonesia and Pakistan, two of the world’s largest Muslim-majority countries. “Dosti zindahbad!” he exclaimed, reflecting the strong ties between the two nations.

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Mr. Kusuma also invited the guests to attend the Indonesian Expo 2024 at Centaurus Mall, Islamabad, and encouraged them to visit Indonesia, mentioning cities like Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, and Bandung as prime destinations.

In recognition of their academic excellence, the Chargé d’Affaires presented certificates of appreciation to a group of Indonesian students in Pakistan who have distinguished themselves in their higher education programs.

The ceremony and accompanying events not only celebrated Indonesia’s independence but also reinforced the bonds of camaraderie and cultural exchange between Indonesia and Pakistan.