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CPC Central Committee

CPC Central Committee Reviews Policies for Western Region Development

Beijing, August 23, 2024, The Europe Today: The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee convened on Friday to assess strategies for advancing the large-scale development of the country’s western region. The meeting, chaired by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, emphasized the need for coordinated efforts in environmental conservation, economic opening, and high-quality development to strengthen the region’s overall capabilities and sustainability.

The meeting called for comprehensive reforms aimed at unleashing productive forces, invigorating society, and pursuing a path of Chinese modernization tailored to the unique circumstances of the western region. A statement released after the meeting underscored the importance of deepening reform, developing specialty industries that leverage local strengths, enhancing technological innovation, and upgrading traditional industries.

High-level environmental conservation was highlighted as a priority, with calls to build a “beautiful western region” through rigorous pollution prevention, control measures, and the promotion of green and low-carbon development. The meeting stressed the need for the western region to bolster its economic openness, ensure the energy and resource supply, and advance the construction of clean energy bases.

The committee also discussed the importance of advancing new urbanization efforts in line with local conditions, consolidating poverty alleviation achievements, and preventing a large-scale relapse into poverty in rural areas. This approach is seen as critical to maintaining social stability and fostering sustainable development.

In addition, the meeting highlighted the need to forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation to safeguard ethnic unity and stability in border areas. This is considered essential for maintaining national cohesion and ensuring the long-term stability of the western region.

The meeting’s outcomes are expected to guide the CPC’s approach to fostering sustainable and inclusive development in China’s western region, aligning with broader national goals for modernization and environmental stewardship.