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China Unveils New Guidelines to Elevate Teaching Profession, Aiming for Educational Excellence by 2035

Beijing, August 27, 2024, The Europe Today: The Chinese government has announced a comprehensive plan to enhance its teaching workforce as part of its broader strategy to become a global leader in education. The new guidelines, issued on Monday by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, set forth a series of measures designed to cultivate more competent and high-quality educators.

Central to these guidelines is a focus on strengthening the professional integrity, conduct, and skills of teachers. The initiative emphasizes optimizing the allocation of educational resources and safeguarding the rights and interests of teachers, with the aim of making teaching one of the most respected and admired professions in China by 2035.

The guidelines underscore a strict policy of zero tolerance for any malpractice or violations of regulations within the teaching profession. Disciplinary actions and legal consequences will be enforced against those who breach professional standards.

In support of these objectives, the guidelines call for increased investment in the development of normal schools, which are institutions dedicated to training teachers. Special attention will be given to enhancing training programs for rural educators, ensuring they receive the support needed to meet the demands of their roles.

Efforts to improve the well-being of teachers are also highlighted, with specific measures aimed at ensuring timely salary payments, reducing unnecessary workloads, and protecting educators from misconduct such as humiliation, defamation, and the spread of rumors.

Additionally, the guidelines advocate for raising the social status of teachers, fostering public respect for the profession, and encouraging broader public support for education. This initiative reflects China’s commitment to creating an environment where educators are valued and supported, ultimately contributing to the nation’s goal of becoming an educational powerhouse.