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Vietnam’s Chính Urges Intensified Efforts to Combat IUU Fishing Ahead of EC Inspection

Hanoi, August 28, 2024, The Europe Today: Vietnam’s Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính has called for increased efforts to eliminate illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing as Vietnam prepares for a crucial European Commission (EC) inspection in October. Addressing a meeting on Wednesday, PM Chính emphasized the need for stringent action against poorly performing localities in the fight against IUU fishing.The meeting, which connected all 28 coastal provinces and cities via videoconference, reviewed Vietnam’s progress in combating IUU fishing and discussed preparations to address the EC’s “yellow card” warning.

Despite significant strides over nearly seven years, including advancements in legal frameworks, vessel monitoring systems (VMS), and the national fisheries database (VNFishbase), challenges remain.Local authorities have initiated legal proceedings against 11 cases related to illegal seafood exploitation and are investigating three additional cases. Nonetheless, the EC’s previous inspection highlighted persistent shortcomings, such as incomplete seafood exploitation licensing, inadequate handling of unregistered fishing vessels, and ongoing violations of foreign waters by Vietnamese fishing vessels.

Participants at the meeting identified these issues as stemming from limited awareness among fishermen, insufficient responsibility among certain officials, and a lack of effective supervision and enforcement. The Prime Minister warned that failure to address these problems could jeopardize efforts to lift the “yellow card” and potentially lead to a “red card” designation.

PM Chính commended the proactive efforts of ministries and localities but stressed that management and law enforcement measures need to be more rigorous. He directed that leaders, including provincial-level Party committee secretaries, face strict consequences under Directive No. 32-CT/TW, issued by the Party Central Committee Secretariat in April 2024.To ensure a successful outcome in the upcoming EC inspection, the Prime Minister urged enhanced leadership, direction, and action from all relevant ministries, central sectors, and local authorities.

He also called for a coordinated effort to address illegal fishing activities, particularly in Kiên Giang, Cà Mau, and Bình Định provinces.PM Chính emphasized the importance of mobilizing all resources to combat illegal fishing, improving public awareness, and adhering to the Supreme People’s Court’s resolution on illegal seafood activities. He assigned specific tasks to ministries, coastal localities, fisheries associations, businesses, and media outlets, urging collective action to eradicate IUU fishing and safeguard the nation’s maritime resources.