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Putin's Press Secretary

Putin’s Press Secretary Comments on Trump’s Stance on Russia and Sanctions

Moscow, July 27, 2024, The Europe Today: President Vladimir Putin’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, acknowledged former U.S. President Donald Trump’s knowledge of Russian history but criticized him for initiating the “sanctions race” with Moscow. Peskov’s comments came in response to Trump’s recent remarks and an op-ed by his former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo.

In an interview with Fox News earlier this week, Trump emphasized the historical strength of Russia, noting its victories over Napoleon and Hitler, and stressed the importance of ending the Ukraine conflict if re-elected. Meanwhile, Pompeo’s article in the Wall Street Journal outlined a “Trump peace plan” that seemed to diverge from Trump’s own views.

Peskov praised Trump for his historical understanding, stating, “He knows history in such depth, as few other Americans seem to.” However, he pointed out that Trump remains part of the U.S. political elite, which Peskov described as suffering from “total Russophobia.”

Peskov also reminded reporters of the numerous sanctions imposed on Russia during Trump’s presidency, indicating that from Moscow’s perspective, there is little difference between Trump and other American politicians. “Of course, we saw this article and various other statements. We have never worn rose-colored glasses,” Peskov remarked. “He shows a little more wisdom in terms of maintaining channels of dialogue, but this does not have much of an influence on anything.”

Pompeo’s op-ed blamed the ongoing Ukraine conflict on the perceived “weakness” of current U.S. President Joe Biden, accusing him of leaving Ukraine “without the means to win” and having “no strategy for victory.” Pompeo proposed a peace plan involving revitalizing the U.S. economy, imposing “real sanctions” on Russia, creating an anti-Iranian bloc in the Middle East, revitalizing NATO, and providing Ukraine with $500 billion in “lend-lease” military equipment.

Pompeo’s plan for resolving the Ukraine conflict includes freezing the current frontline without recognizing Russia’s territorial claims, handing Ukraine Russia’s frozen central bank reserves as reparations, “demilitarizing” Crimea, and admitting Ukraine to NATO and the EU, with a gradual lifting of sanctions on Russia.

During Trump’s first administration, Pompeo served as the head of the CIA and later as Secretary of State. He has not been involved in Trump’s 2024 campaign, and there is no indication that his proposal reflects Trump’s current thinking on ending the conflict.