Paris, September 06, 2024, The Europe Today: Pavel Durov, the founder of the messaging app Telegram, has spoken out for the first time since his arrest in France last month, expressing surprise over being held accountable for content shared by users of the platform. Durov, who is currently under investigation in France for crimes linked to child pornography, drug trafficking, and fraudulent transactions involving the app, criticized French authorities for their approach.
In a statement posted on Telegram late Thursday, Durov questioned the rationale behind his arrest, emphasizing that it was “misguided” to charge a CEO for actions committed by third parties. “Using laws from the pre-smartphone era to charge a CEO with crimes committed by third parties on the platform he manages is a misguided approach,” he wrote.
Telegram’s Response to Allegations
Durov, who holds both Russian and French citizenship, also defended Telegram’s operations, denying accusations that the platform fosters criminal activity. He clarified that while Telegram is not flawless, the portrayal of the app as an “anarchic paradise” was inaccurate. “We take down millions of harmful posts and channels every day,” he stated, rejecting the notion that the platform actively facilitates crime.
Despite Telegram’s global user base now reaching 950 million, Durov admitted that the app’s rapid growth had created challenges, making it easier for criminals to exploit its features. However, he vowed to improve the platform’s safety measures and promised that internal reforms were underway, with more details to be shared in the future.
Calls for Collaboration and Potential Exit from France
Durov expressed frustration with the investigation, noting that French authorities could have reached out to Telegram’s EU representative instead of resorting to his arrest. He further emphasized that the platform remains committed to balancing privacy and security but warned that if local regulators and the company cannot agree on the “right balance,” Telegram would be prepared to cease its operations in France.
The CEO expressed hope that the recent events would not only lead to a safer Telegram but also strengthen the broader social networking industry. As the investigation continues, Durov’s comments highlight the ongoing tensions between tech companies and regulators over content moderation and platform accountability.