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UK Debt Hits 100 Percent of GDP, Government Warns of Tough Economic Choices Ahead

London, September 20, 2024 – The Europe Today: The UK’s state debt has now reached the equivalent of the country’s annual economic output, according to new data released by the Office for National Statistics on Friday. The alarming financial situation comes as the recently elected Labour government confronts a £22 billion “black hole” in public finances left by the previous Conservative administration.

Public sector net debt was provisionally estimated at 100% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of August, marking the highest debt level since the 1960s. The Labour Party, led by Prime Minister Keir Starmer, won the general election in July on a promise to rebuild the economy, which they argue is in its worst state since the Second World War.

Key factors contributing to the debt crisis include the aftermath of Brexit, the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, and the ongoing impact of Russia’s war in Ukraine.

“The scale of the challenge is worse than anticipated,” said Chief Secretary to the Treasury Darren Jones. “With a £22 billion shortfall in public finances this year alone, we are forced to make difficult decisions now to secure the future stability of our economy.”

The government has warned that the upcoming budget announcement, scheduled for October 30, will include painful measures. These are expected to feature a combination of tax increases and cuts to public spending, as the government seeks to address the financial crisis.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves, tasked with overseeing the country’s fiscal recovery, has indicated that her plans to be presented to Parliament next month will likely include removing a £200 annual winter fuel subsidy for 10 million pensioners. She has also suggested that taxes may rise higher than previously expected in order to close the financial gap.

Looking to the future, a government watchdog last week warned that UK state debt could almost triple over the next 50 years, driven by the pressures of an aging population and the economic impact of climate change.

With the October budget fast approaching, Prime Minister Starmer has acknowledged that “tough choices” are inevitable as the government attempts to stabilize the economy.