Breaking News

Faisal bin Farhan

Faisal bin Farhan meets US Senator Lindsey Graham

Riyadh, December 08, 2023, The Europe Today: Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan met with US Senator Lindsey Graham, the according to the Saudi foreign ministry and reported by “The Gulf Observer“.

Prince Faisal stress the necessity of a ceasefire to bring the killing to an end and to avoid a further escalation that could have dangerous repercussions for regional security.

The Saudi diplomat discussed the situation in Gaza with the Republican politician and stressed that all efforts be made to ensure that humanitarian relief corridors be secured to ensure the safe delivery of aid.

Israel is conducting a deadly assault on the enclave, which Palestinian officials said has killed 17,000 people. Israel has vowed to eradicate the Hamas militant group that attacked settlements near Gaza on Oct. 7, which resulted in 1,200 people being killed and around 240 hostages taken.

Prince Faisal also discussed with Graham the need to create conditions for the return of stability to Gaza and the restoration of a path to peace to ensure that Palestinian people obtain their legitimate rights.

The meeting was also attended by Saudi ambassador to the US Princess Reema bint Bandar.