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China launches 04 meteorological satellites

China launches 04 meteorological satellites

Jiuquan, December 25, 2023, The Europe Today: On Monday, China achieved a significant milestone as it successfully deployed four meteorological satellites into orbit from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China.

These satellites, integral components of the Tianmu-1 meteorological constellation, were launched via a Kuaizhou-1A carrier rocket precisely at 9:00 a.m. (Beijing Time) and have seamlessly entered their designated orbits.

Designed to cater primarily to the provision of commercial meteorological data services, these satellites signify a strategic leap in advancing China’s capabilities in space-based weather observation.

This achievement marks the 23rd successful flight mission of the Kuaizhou-1A rockets, reaffirming China’s commitment to the exploration and utilization of space for scientific and practical endeavors.