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Kazakh Embassy in Ethiopia Hosts Round Table on President Tokayev’s Vision for Economic Progress

Addis Ababa, January 09, 2024, The Europe Today: The Embassy of Kazakhstan in Ethiopia hosted a round table, presenting President Tokayev’s vision for the political and socio-economic development of Kazakhstan.

Ambassador Barlybay Sadykov highlighted the country’s democratic and economic transformations, emphasizing the government’s goal to achieve a GDP of $450 billion by 2029. The discussion focused on the new economic course of Just Kazakhstan, highlighting approaches to economic management and reforms. Sadykov shared insights into the creation of an Investment Office, upcoming tax and budget code revisions, and plans to enhance the investment climate.

The Kazakh government’s commitment to a balanced foreign policy, hosting high-level summits in 2024, and adherence to UN principles were emphasized. The round table provided Ethiopian experts with a comprehensive understanding of Kazakhstan’s development priorities, fostering mutual support and recognition of shared challenges and goals between the two nations.