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Togo Reaffirms Support for One-China Policy and Chinese Stance on Taiwan

Togo Reaffirms Support for One-China Policy and Chinese Stance on Taiwan

Lome, January 17, 2024, The Europe Today: In a meeting held at Gnassingbe Eyadema International Airport in Lome, Togo Foreign Minister Robert Dussey reaffirmed Togo’s commitment to the one-China principle and support for China’s stance on the Taiwan question. Meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Dussey emphasized that Taiwan is an integral part of Chinese territory, categorizing the issue as an internal affair of China.

Togo, standing firmly behind the one-China principle, declared its support for the Chinese government in safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity. A special announcement from the Togolese government echoed the sentiment, underscoring that the People’s Republic of China is the sole legitimate government representing the entirety of China.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, expressed gratitude for Togo’s unwavering support. Wang highlighted the significance of true friends supporting each other during critical moments. He reiterated China’s commitment to supporting Togo in safeguarding its sovereignty, security, and development interests. Both nations pledged to uphold the principle of non-interference in internal affairs as a fundamental norm governing international relations.