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President Ilham Aliyev Welcomes U.S. Ambassador Mark Libby in Official Ceremony

President Ilham Aliyev Welcomes U.S. Ambassador Mark Libby in Official Ceremony

Baku, January 18, 2024, The Europe Today: In a formal ceremony held in Baku, President Ilham Aliyev of the Republic of Azerbaijan received the credentials of the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, Mark Libby. The event marked the official commencement of Ambassador Libby’s diplomatic mission in Azerbaijan.

During their subsequent meeting, President Aliyev engaged in a constructive dialogue with Ambassador Libby. The Azerbaijani President congratulated the ambassador on his recent appointment, extending best wishes for success in his diplomatic endeavors.

Ambassador Libby expressed his commitment to strengthening the bilateral ties between the United States and Azerbaijan, assuring President Aliyev of his dedication to advancing cooperation across various sectors. The leaders discussed a wide range of topics, emphasizing the potential for collaboration in economic, energy, and business sectors.

The discussions delved into regional and international matters, with a particular focus on the ongoing normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Both leaders underscored the importance of fostering peace and stability in the region.

Ambassador Libby took the opportunity to extend his greetings and appreciation to Azerbaijan for hosting COP29 later this year. The leaders explored avenues for collaboration on climate change initiatives within the framework of the upcoming COP29.

The meeting exemplified the commitment of both nations to cultivating a robust and cooperative relationship, highlighting the significance of diplomatic dialogue and joint efforts in addressing key global challenges. As Ambassador Libby assumes his diplomatic role, the United States and Azerbaijan look forward to a fruitful partnership and enhanced collaboration in various fields.