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New Conservative Party Emerges as Werteunion Members Opt for Independent Path in Germany

Berlin, January 21, 2024, The Europe Today: In a pivotal decision at a meeting in Erfurt on Saturday, members of the highly conservative Werteunion, or Values Union, chose to break away and establish themselves as a new political entity. The former head of the German domestic intelligence agency, Hans-Georg Maassen, who had been ousted from his position amid controversy, was designated to lead the Werteunion in forming this new conservative-liberal party.

The task ahead for Maassen is to “initiate the foundation of a conservative-liberal party under this name,” marking a departure from the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) where he was a longstanding member. The move is characterized as a response to what Maassen perceives as the CDU’s shift towards a “left-green position” under its current leader, Friedrich Merz.

The Werteunion, initially established in 2017 as a conservative wing of the CDU, claims to represent the core values that it believes Chancellor Angela Merkel abandoned by allowing a substantial influx of migrants into Germany. With over 4,000 members and growing, the group aims to counter what it sees as a departure from conservative principles within the CDU.

Hans Pistner, the federal deputy leader of Werteunion, reported that the group is nearing 6,000 members. During the closed-door meeting in Erfurt, attended by several hundred members, the decision to form a new party gained momentum.

Maassen, now tasked with leading this political venture, aims to have the party established in time for state elections in Thuringia, Saxony, and Brandenburg later this year. These states, particularly in the former East Germany, have seen the rise of alternative political movements amid challenges faced by traditional centrist parties.

The emergence of the Werteunion as an independent party adds to the dynamic political landscape in Germany. As the group navigates its path, it presents an alternative for those seeking a conservative-liberal platform, potentially collaborating with various political forces willing to bring about change in Germany.