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President Xi Jinping

President Xi Jinping Encourages Kenyan Students to Strengthen China-Kenya Friendship

Beijing, January 23, 2024, The Europe Today: Chinese President Xi Jinping responded to a letter from representatives of Kenyan students and alumni at Beijing Jiaotong University, expressing encouragement for their continued contributions to fostering friendship between China and Kenya, as well as China and Africa.

In his reply on January 17, President Xi highlighted the longstanding friendship between China and Kenya, emphasizing the transformation of development ideals into reality through initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative. Xi noted that such initiatives have closely linked the well-being of the two peoples. He specifically cited the Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway as a flagship project and a successful example of China-Kenya Belt and Road cooperation.

President Xi expressed his delight in seeing the Kenyan students and alumni building connections with China through this “road to happiness.” He acknowledged their role in witnessing and benefiting from the China-Kenya and China-Africa friendship and cooperation, contributing to the spread of friendly cooperation.

Looking forward, Xi emphasized the need for promising young individuals to contribute to the magnificent vision of the Belt and Road Initiative and the grand blueprint of the China-Kenya comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. He encouraged the students to excel in their professional knowledge, continue fostering traditional friendships, actively participate in bilateral cooperation, share positive stories of China-Africa friendship, and make substantial contributions to building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future.

The letter from the Kenyan students and alumni expressed their pleasure in coming to China to learn railway operation and management knowledge. They conveyed their aspirations to serve as bridges of friendship between Kenya and China, contributing to the strengthening of friendship and cooperation between the two countries and the establishment of a community with a shared future for mankind.