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China's Ambassador to UK Stresses Commitment to Peace and Cooperation in Asia-Pacific Region

China’s Ambassador to UK Stresses Commitment to Peace and Cooperation in Asia-Pacific Region

London, January 24, 2024, The Europe Today: China’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Zheng Zeguang, highlighted China’s unwavering commitment to peace, stability, and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region during a speech at the Asia House Annual Outlook 2024 Launch in London on Tuesday.

Ambassador Zheng emphasized that the Asia-Pacific is a region with the fastest growth, greatest potential, and most dynamic cooperation globally. China, he affirmed, has consistently been a steadfast force working towards the common goals of peace, stability, and prosperity in the region, which not only impact the future of the area but also have global implications.

Against the backdrop of unprecedented changes in the world, Ambassador Zheng expressed China’s dedication to deepening dialogue and cooperation with all stakeholders, with the ultimate objective of building an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future. He reiterated China’s commitment to principles such as amity, sincerity, mutual benefit, and inclusiveness, emphasizing the importance of fostering friendship and partnership with neighboring countries.

Zheng urged countries in the region to adhere to principles of mutual respect, peace, openness, cooperation, and mutual learning, fostering an environment of collaboration and understanding.

Despite the challenges anticipated in 2024, Ambassador Zheng expressed confidence in the positive long-term trajectory of China’s development. He outlined five key areas contributing to this confidence, including China’s strong political leadership and consistent major policies, the robust demand generated by a vast market of over 1.4 billion people, a well-established industrial system supporting supply, abundant talent, capital, and data resources, and innovation propelled by the rapid development of high-tech industries.