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An Honorary Consulate of Kazakhstan Inaugurated in Vancouver Aiming to Foster Economic Collaboration

Vancouver, January 27, 2024, The Europe Today: In a significant step towards bolstering economic ties between Kazakhstan and Canada, an Honorary Consulate was officially opened in Vancouver, Canada. The establishment of the consulate is part of Kazakhstan’s strategic initiative to attract investments and enhance trade and economic cooperation with Canada.

The inauguration ceremony, held with notable dignitaries in attendance, was graced by the presence of the Kazakh Ambassador, Dauletbek Kussainov, and the British Columbia Minister of State for Trade, Jagrup Brar. Representatives from the diplomatic corps and influential figures from the business circles of British Columbia also participated in the auspicious event.

The Honorary Consulate is set to play a pivotal role in facilitating collaboration between the two nations, with a specific focus on attracting investments and fostering trade relations. The Head of Canada’s mining company Arras Minerals, Mr. Darren Klinck, has been appointed to the esteemed position of Honorary Consul, bringing with him a wealth of experience in the Canadian business landscape.

During the opening ceremony, Ambassador Dauletbek Kussainov expressed optimism about the Honorary Consulate’s role in catalyzing further development and expansion of Kazakhstan-Canada cooperation. The Kazakh Ambassador emphasized the consulate’s potential to serve as a catalyst for mutually beneficial partnerships in various sectors.

Minister Jagrup Brar, representing the Canadian government, acknowledged the high economic and investment potential of Kazakhstan. He lauded Kazakhstan’s impressive development rates and highlighted the opportunities for collaboration in areas such as trade, technology, and natural resources.

The Honorary Consulate in Vancouver adds to the existing network of diplomatic representation, with three honorary consulates of Kazakhstan already established in Canada. This move signifies Kazakhstan’s commitment to strengthening its diplomatic and economic presence in the region, fostering a conducive environment for increased collaboration and partnership between the two nations.