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Han Zheng

Chinese Vice President Han Zheng Meets President of 78th UN General Assembly Dennis Francis

Beijing, January 30, 2024, The Europe Today: Chinese Vice President Han Zheng held a meeting with Dennis Francis, President of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, in Beijing on Tuesday.

Han emphasized China’s commitment to true multilateralism and its unwavering support for the authority and status of the United Nations. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China advocates for an equal, orderly, multipolar world and inclusive economic globalization that benefits all nations.

Han encouraged global collaboration to address challenges and achieve common prosperity. Looking ahead to the 80th anniversary of the UN in 2025, Han expressed China’s willingness to enhance cooperation with the UN to build a more just and reasonable global governance system based on the concept of a community of shared future for humanity.

Dennis Francis acknowledged China as a crucial cooperative partner for the UN, praising China’s role in safeguarding world peace and development. He expressed expectations for China to play an even more significant role in promoting sustainable development, advancing international cooperation, and addressing global challenges.