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Roundtable Discussion Explores New Horizons and Prospects in Uzbekistan-Belarus Cooperation

Roundtable Discussion Explores New Horizons and Prospects in Uzbekistan-Belarus Cooperation

Tashkent, January 30, 2024, The Europe Today: In Tashkent, the Institute of Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ISRS) organized a roundtable discussion on “Cooperation between Uzbekistan and Belarus – New Horizons and Prospects” in collaboration with the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research (BISR). The event brought together leaders and representatives from diplomatic missions, expert-analytical, scientific, and academic circles of both countries.

ISRS First Deputy Director, Akramjon Nematov, highlighted the enduring friendship and partnership between Uzbekistan and Belarus, emphasizing the growing vitality of their relationship. The roundtable aimed to analyze the current state and explore future development prospects in various sectors, including trade, economics, investment, industrial cooperation, transport, and cultural and humanitarian dialogue.

During the discussion, Nematov acknowledged the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Uzbekistan and Belarus, underscoring the positive growth in bilateral cooperation across all areas. Trade turnover between the nations has increased nearly 3.5 times since 2017, exceeding $620 million. Nematov expressed optimism in reaching the next target of $1 billion.

The complementary nature of Uzbekistan and Belarus economies was emphasized, with potential for expanding trade and economic cooperation. The focus on industrial cooperation and the establishment of joint competitive and export-oriented production holds significant prospects. The number of joint ventures operating in Uzbekistan with Belarusian capital has surged from 22 in 2017 to over 200, fostering industrial and technological partnerships.

Nematov also highlighted the importance of social and humanitarian cooperation, including joint education programs, with 80 agreements already in place. He noted a fivefold increase in Uzbek students studying in Belarusian universities, demonstrating high demand for Belarusian education among Uzbek youth.

In healthcare, the two nations have deepened collaboration, culminating in the signing of over 120 agreements after the First Medical Forum held in 2023. The development of bilateral programs in postgraduate areas, exchange of medical expertise, and specific collaborations between medical centers are among the initiatives in progress.

The roundtable discussion aimed to identify areas of cooperation that can drive the partnership between Uzbekistan and Belarus to new heights, leveraging the political will, mutual interest, and untapped reserves for comprehensive ties.