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The volume of housing construction in Uzbekistan

The volume of housing construction in Uzbekistan

Last year 2023 turned out to be very productive for our country, including in the construction sector. At the same time, it is encouraging that the volume of construction of housing projects has increased by one and a half times.

The volume of construction work increased by 107 percent compared to the previous year. In 2023, over 140 trillion soums will be disbursed in the sector. The majority of multi-storey residential buildings, social facilities, infrastructure, utilities and large production facilities were built.

The implementation of targeted targeted programs and the introduction of a system of proactive budgeting were important. At the initiative of the head of state, construction of massifs is underway at a high pace in 40 regions of the republic within the framework of the Yangi Uzbekistan megaproject.

In general, the volume of housing construction increased by 1.5 times, construction and installation work (CEM) was organized for the construction of multi-storey buildings with 90 thousand apartments. Based on investment programs, construction and reconstruction work was carried out on 2,535 social and infrastructure facilities. 18 trillion soums have been allocated for these purposes. As part of the implementation of makhalla infrastructure development programs in 5284 SGMs, construction and installation work worth seven trillion soums was carried out at 7138 facilities.

In addition, based on instructions and activities for the development of regions, 10 trillion soums were allocated from various sources for creative work on more than 35 thousand objects.

The impetus for further expansion of the scale of construction work was given by the introduction of the “Initiative Budget” system. In particular, due to the receipt of 5.5 trillion soums through it, construction and improvement work was carried out at 4,701 facilities.

The Presidential Decree “On measures to further improve the public administration system in the field of urban development and approval of programs for the development of urban planning documentation for settlements in 2023-2027” dated September 11, 2023 approved the summary parameters of the program for the development of urban planning documentation for settlements in 2023-2027. This document created the Republican Center for Urbanization and Development of Urban Planning Documentation under the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services in the form of a state institution.

Among the tasks of the newly created center are determining the actual state of the territories, performing customer functions in developing urban planning documentation for settlements; development of general approaches, criteria and methodology for the preparation, approval and use of urban planning documentation for settlements; maintaining the State Urban Development Cadastre; acting as an operator of the Interdepartmental Geoinformation Software Complex “State Urban Planning Geoinformation System”, as well as placing and storing data in this system, ensuring the exchange of spatial data and managing the rights to use them.

As part of the implementation of these tasks, urban planning documents were prepared for 146 settlements, in particular, general plans for nine cities, 43 towns and plans for 94 villages. According to the address list, in 2023, 15 urban planning norms and rules, 34 standards, 27 construction regulations and 10 resource estimates have been developed. When developing design documentation for objects, BIM technologies were used for the first time.

An examination of design documents for over 32 thousand objects was carried out using the National Information System “Transparent Construction”. As a result, savings in the estimated part of these projects amounted to almost six trillion soums. Through the electronic tender platform of this system, design and contracting organizations of over 28 thousand objects were identified, which allowed for savings of 1.8 trillion soums. Along with this, an electronic rating platform for design and contracting organizations has been created. In particular, today the data of over 22 thousand contracting organizations and more than two thousand design organizations have been entered into this system.

A National Classifier of Construction Resources has also been developed, which contains a unified database of indicators for all types of work, construction materials, machinery and mechanisms (which includes over 187 thousand items of construction materials, works and services).

The National Information System “State Control in Construction” has been implemented at the facilities; monitoring processes are automated, which eliminates the influence of the human factor in the assessment. In particular, in 2023, through this system, over 12 thousand construction projects were taken under supervision, over 172 thousand monitoring was carried out by the Inspectorate for Control in the Field of Construction and Housing and Communal Services.

The licensing system for activities in the field has also been improved. Criteria and requirements have been revised. Thus, last year, 949 licenses and 25 accreditations were issued to business entities in the areas of design, construction and expertise. In 2023, professional standards were developed for 28 professions and specialties in priority areas of professional activity. A certification system for construction specialists has been introduced. For these purposes, the Ministry has created an Institute for Competence Development, where 287 specialists and 80 construction managers in the regions of the republic have improved their qualifications.

Reforms in the construction sector are an important tool for finding solutions to pressing problems in the social sphere and strengthening the national economy. In general, innovations in the process of carrying out creative work contribute to improving the quality of life of citizens of New Uzbekistan.

Author is Head of information service in the Ministry of Construction and housing and communal services of Republic of Uzbekistan.