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Finland Maintains Closure of Russian Border Checkpoints Amidst Security Concerns

Helsinki, February 4, 2024, The Europe Today: The Head of the Finnish government, Petteri Orpo, has affirmed that Finland will uphold the closure of checkpoints on its border with Russia, citing concerns over potential illegal entries into the country. Speaking on the TV channel Yle, Orpo emphasized the necessity of maintaining border restrictions to address security challenges.

“We realize that beyond the eastern border there are people whose goal is to enter Finland illegally. It is clear that we cannot cancel the closure of our border,” stated Petteri Orpo during the televised announcement.

The checkpoints on the Finnish-Russian border were initially closed by a decision of the Finnish Cabinet, with the closure set to continue until 11 February. The Finnish Interior Ministry is expected to make a new decision on the matter at a government meeting scheduled for 8 February.

The government’s decision to extend or modify the border closure reflects Finland’s commitment to safeguarding its borders and addressing potential security threats. The announcement comes amidst ongoing efforts to monitor and manage border activities, with a focus on preventing unauthorized entries and ensuring the overall safety and well-being of the nation.

The Finnish government remains vigilant in assessing the situation and implementing measures to secure the integrity of its borders, in alignment with the country’s commitment to national security and public safety. Further updates on the border closure and related decisions are anticipated following the government meeting on 8 February.