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Embassy of Uzbekistan

Embassy of Uzbekistan Celebrates Historical Milestones and Highlights Bilateral Cooperation with Turkmenistan

Ashgabat, February 06, 2024, The Europe Today: The Embassy of Uzbekistan in Ashgabat hosted a media briefing to mark the celebration of two significant dates in the country’s history – the 583rd anniversary of Alisher Navoi’s birth and the 541st anniversary of Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur’s birth. Ambassador Akmaljon Kuchkarov took the opportunity to provide insights into the current state and future prospects of cooperation between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, particularly focusing on cultural and humanitarian aspects.

Ambassador Kuchkarov emphasized the deep cultural ties between the two nations and highlighted key initiatives strengthening this bond. Notable projects include the Ashgabat Park in the heart of Tashkent, the Magtymguly Street, the Uzbek-Turkmen House of Friendship, and the Ully Hovli memorial complex in Khiva, along with the Tashkent Park in Ashgabat.

The Ambassador underscored the reciprocal recognition by naming one of the central avenues in the Turkmen capital after Alisher Navoi. A monument in honor of Navoi was erected in the Inspiration Park (Turkmen: Ylham parkagi) along this avenue, symbolizing the enduring cultural connections between the two nations.

During his address, Ambassador Kuchkarov drew attention to the significance of two historical figures – the 583rd anniversary of the great poet and thinker Alisher Navoi and the 541st anniversary of Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur’s birth, a poet, historian, and statesman. He highlighted their importance not only for the Uzbek people but also for the Turkmen people, emphasizing the shared heritage that unites the neighboring countries.

“The legacies of Alisher Navoi and Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur are not confined to the borders of Uzbekistan; they resonate across our neighboring Turkmenistan, creating a shared and indivisible cultural heritage,” remarked the Ambassador.

Ambassador Kuchkarov also shed light on the enduring influence of Magtymguly, stating, “In the work of Magtymguly in Uzbekistan, they see a continuation of the work of Alisher Navoi.”

The media briefing served as an opportunity to strengthen cultural ties, celebrate shared heritage, and enhance mutual understanding between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.