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Uzbek Language

Center for Uzbek Language and Culture Inaugurated in Bursa, Türkiye, Strengthening Uzbekistan-Türkiye Ties

Bursa, February 11, 2024, The Europe Today: A significant milestone in the enduring friendship between Uzbekistan and Türkiye was celebrated yesterday with the official opening of the Center for Uzbek Language and Culture in Bursa. Established in collaboration with the Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, along with the support of the Uzbek Embassy, Consulate General, and Uludag University, the inauguration ceremony attracted esteemed guests, including representatives from the worldwide Turkic culture organization TURKSOY, the Turkish Ministry of National Education, Turkish scientists, and students.

The event, held at Uludag University, witnessed the culmination of longstanding diplomatic and cultural ties between the two nations. Notable speakers highlighted the historic significance of the center, attributing its establishment to the close and friendly relations fostered between the heads of the two states. Uludag University Rector Ferudun Yilmaz expressed his optimism, stating, “Today is truly a very important day for us. We have the honor of opening, in collaboration with our Uzbek brothers, a cultural center that we have been waiting for for many years.”

Rector Yilmaz underscored the commitment to cultural and humanitarian cooperation between Uzbekistan and Türkiye, emphasizing the role of the center in promoting Uzbekistan’s rich history, culture, language, and literature. The facility, strategically located at Uludag University, is envisioned as an educational hub encouraging both local residents and students to explore the depths of Uzbekistan’s heritage through language studies and cultural exploration.

The newly inaugurated Center is poised to become a vital research institution, fostering the promotion of Uzbek language and culture in Türkiye. Among its inaugural events, an international conference titled “Alisher Navoi and the 21st Century” was held, commemorating the 583rd anniversary of the birth of the great ancestor Alisher Navoi.

Looking ahead, the Center is poised to serve as a dynamic educational space, hosting various scientific conferences, seminars, and roundtable discussions to further deepen the understanding and appreciation of Uzbekistan’s rich cultural tapestry within the Turkish community. As the Center for Uzbek Language and Culture embarks on its journey, it symbolizes the enduring commitment to cultural exchange and collaboration between Uzbekistan and Türkiye.