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Azerbaijani Delegation Participates in 11th World Government Summit in the UAE

Abu Dhabi, February 13, 2024, The Europe Today: A delegation from Azerbaijan, led by Ulvi Mehdiyev, Chairman of the State Agency for Citizen Services and Social Innovation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, is actively participating in the 11th World Government Summit in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The summit, organized by the UAE, aims to foster innovation and technology in the realm of government services. It provides a platform to discuss the latest trends related to the impact of artificial intelligence on human life and the future of the world. The overarching theme of the summit is “Predicting Future Governments.”

More than 5,000 guests, including heads of state and government from over 100 countries, leaders of prominent international organizations, ministers, public figures, scientists, and experts, are partaking in the summit.

On the first day of the summit, Chairman Ulvi Mehdiyev addressed a roundtable session on “The Future of Human Resources.” He highlighted the positive contribution of introducing new technologies, including artificial intelligence and data-driven decision-making mechanisms, to enhance the skills of human resources in the evolving global landscape. Mehdiyev also underscored the importance of the ASAN’s xidmət customised employee performance appraisal platform.

The same session featured contributions from heads of relevant government agencies in the UAE, Qatar, Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Egypt, Peru, Uzbekistan, and South Africa, along with representatives of prestigious international companies.

Chairman Mehdiyev also addressed the ministerial meeting on “Development Directions Towards 2045: Focusing on the Future of the World” under the platform of “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2024.” It was highlighted that Azerbaijan has declared 2024 as the Year of Solidarity for a Green World. The participants were informed that Azerbaijan will host the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change – COP29.

The meeting emphasized the necessity of implementing partnership activities in all spheres and expanding joint efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other future objectives. The smart governmental decisions implemented by the state agency and ASAN xidmət experience in achieving the SDGs were commended.

Ministers from various sectors of Azerbaijan, the UAE, Romania, Albania, Rwanda, Egypt, and the Kyrgyz Republic, along with leading personnel from specialized UN units and relevant international organizations, participated in the meeting.

The delegation’s visit to the UAE continues, and the World Government Summit is scheduled to last until February 14, providing a platform for fruitful discussions and collaborations on global governance and sustainable development.