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Turkmenistan’s Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Enhances Bilateral Ties in Science and Culture

Riyadh, February 14, 2024, The Europe Today: The Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Saudi Arabia, Orazmuhammet Charyev, recently held a constructive meeting with the head of the Center for Research and Intercommunication Knowledge in Riyadh, Professor Dr. Yahya bin Mahmoud Junaid, as reported by the press service of the Turkmen Foreign Ministry.

The discussions centered on further fortifying the bonds between Turkmenistan and Saudi Arabia, with a particular emphasis on collaborative initiatives in the realms of science, education, and culture. Both parties underscored the vital role that cooperation with the Center for Research and Intercommunication Knowledge plays in advancing these relationships.

As a gesture of goodwill, Professor Junaid was presented with the first book authored by the President of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, titled “Youth is the support of the Motherland.” This exchange symbolizes the commitment to fostering intellectual and cultural connections between the two nations.

The meeting also shed light on Turkmenistan’s declaration of 2024 as the “Year of The Fount of the Mind of Magtymguly Fragi.” In commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the renowned Turkmen poet and thinker, a series of events are planned throughout the year, showcasing the rich cultural heritage and intellectual contributions of Magtymguly Fragi.

The discussions between Ambassador Charyev and Professor Junaid exemplify the commitment of Turkmenistan and Saudi Arabia to mutual understanding and collaboration, transcending geographical boundaries for the betterment of their nations. The shared vision for the development of science, education, and culture promises a flourishing partnership between the two countries in the years to come.