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Munich Security Conference

Bahraini Foreign Affairs Minister Engages in Strategic Talks with EU Special Representative at Munich Security Conference

Munich, February 17, 2024, The Europe Today: Munich Security Conference, Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, the Foreign Affairs Minister of Bahrain, held a significant meeting with Luigi Di Maio, the European Union (EU) Special Representative for the Gulf Region. The high-level encounter aimed at fostering dialogue and collaboration between Bahrain and the EU.

Central to their discussions was a comprehensive review of the progress of Bahrain-European Union relations. Both sides explored avenues to strengthen ties, emphasizing increased cooperation and coordination in the realms of economics, trade, and development. The talks also extended to encompass broader collaboration between the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and the European Union.

A keen focus was placed on examining regional developments of shared interest, particularly those affecting regional security and stability. The ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip captured attention, with the ministers engaging in a thorough analysis of its implications. Furthermore, the imperative issue of freedom of navigation in the Red Sea and Bab al Mandab was brought to the forefront, underlining the mutual concern for maritime security in the region.

The meeting between Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani and Luigi Di Maio underscores the commitment of both Bahrain and the European Union to fostering diplomatic ties and addressing regional challenges through cooperative efforts. The Munich Security Conference serves as a pivotal platform for such constructive dialogues, promoting understanding and collaboration in the pursuit of shared global peace and stability.