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Japanese Embassy in Viet Nam Celebrates the 64th Birthday of Emperor Naruhito

Hanoi, February 24, 2024, The Europe Today: The Japanese Embassy in Viet Nam hosted a reception on February 23 to commemorate the 64th birthday of Japanese Emperor Naruhito. The distinguished event was attended by key dignitaries, including Politburo member and Permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat, Truong Thi Mai, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang, Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son, representatives from various ministries, sectors, international organizations in Việt Nam, and the Japanese community in Hà Nội.

In her message of congratulations, Chairwoman Truong Thi Mai, who also heads the Vietnam – Japan Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group, extended her warmest wishes to Emperor Naruhito on behalf of the Vietnamese government and people. She commended the remarkable achievements of the Japanese people, acknowledging Japan’s status as a leading developed country globally.

Chairwoman Mai expressed her joy at witnessing the robust and comprehensive development of the enduring friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Japan. She highlighted the significant milestones achieved, notably the celebration of the 50th founding anniversary of diplomatic relations and the elevation of bilateral ties to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in 2023.

With optimism, Chairwoman Mai asserted her belief that, supported by the resolve of both nations and the backing of the Japanese Emperor and royal family, the Vietnam – Japan Comprehensive Strategic Partnership would continue to flourish in a practical and effective manner. She emphasized the partnership’s commitment to advancing the interests and development of each country and contributing to regional and global peace and prosperity.

Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son, underlining the continuously evolving Vietnam – Japan relations, characterized the bilateral ties as a bright spot in international relations amid the rapid and complex developments in the region and the world. Minister Sơn highlighted the resilience and dynamism of the relationship, expressing confidence in its sustained growth and positive contributions to regional stability.

The Japanese Embassy’s celebration served as a testament to the enduring bonds between Vietnam and Japan, fostering hopes for an even more robust partnership in the years to come.