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Islamic Republic of Iran

President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Extends Congratulations to New Prime Minister of Pakistan

Tehran, March 04, 2024, The Europe Today: His Excellency Seyed Ebrahim Raiisi, the esteemed President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has extended heartfelt congratulations to His Excellency Mohammad Shahbaz Sharif on his election as the new Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. In a formal message, President Raiisi conveyed his optimism for the continued strengthening of bilateral ties between the two nations, emphasizing the rich historical and cultural bonds that connect Iran and Pakistan.

President Raiisi expressed confidence that, guided by these deep-rooted historical and cultural affinities, both nations will intensify their collaborative efforts to bolster and broaden cooperation. The President’s message underscored the commitment to achieving an elevated and mutually beneficial level of relations between the Iranian and Pakistani people.

Highlighting the readiness of the Islamic Republic of Iran, President Raiisi affirmed the nation’s full preparedness to fortify and enhance all facets of bilateral relations with Pakistan. This commitment, he emphasized, aligns with Iran’s steadfast policy framework, reflecting the enduring brotherhood and neighborly spirit that characterizes the relationship between the two nations.

The President’s message conveyed hope for the new government of Pakistan, expressing the belief that it will take decisive steps towards the growth and prosperity of the country. President Raiisi concluded his message with sincere prayers to Almighty God for the success of the new government, as well as the enduring happiness and well-being of the honorable nation of Pakistan.

This diplomatic gesture serves to reaffirm the commitment of the Islamic Republic of Iran to fostering strong, cooperative ties with its neighboring country, Pakistan, and signals a renewed dedication to the mutual prosperity and advancement of both nations. As the new chapter in Pakistan’s leadership unfolds, the world watches with anticipation, recognizing the significance of collaborative efforts for regional stability and progress.