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Chinese Envoy Urges Israel to Embrace Two-State Solution and End Gaza Offensive

New York, March 05, 2024, The Europe Today: In a compelling address to the United Nations General Assembly, Geng Shuang, Chinese deputy permanent representative to the UN, urged Israel to cease discrediting the “two-state solution” and to halt its illegal settlement activities. The Chinese envoy expressed deep disappointment over the United States’ repeated use of veto power to block Security Council calls for a Gaza ceasefire, stressing the urgent need for international intervention.

Geng emphasized that the Security Council’s recent vote on a Gaza ceasefire highlighted overwhelming global support for the resolution, except for the repeated opposition from the United States. He underscored the crucial role of an immediate ceasefire in preserving innocent lives, providing humanitarian aid, and preventing further escalation of the conflict in Gaza.

“As Ramadan is approaching, the international community must push for an immediate ceasefire and end to the conflict with the strongest sense of urgency and political determination, in order to preserve the hope of survival for the people of Gaza,” Geng declared. He called on Israel to change its course, cancel offensive plans, cease military attacks, and halt forced transfers and collective punishment of the Palestinian population.

Expressing grave concern over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Geng urged Israel to comply with international law, ensuring the safe and unimpeded entry of humanitarian supplies. He highlighted the dire conditions in Gaza, emphasizing the need for practical measures to protect humanitarian agencies and personnel.

The Chinese ambassador stressed that the “two-state solution” remains the only viable path to resolving the Palestinian-Israeli issue. He expressed alarm over recent rejections of the two-state solution by some Israeli political figures, calling for intensified diplomatic efforts to revitalize the political prospects for a two-state solution.

“China calls for an international peace conference that is more broad-based and effective. We support Palestine in becoming a full member state of the UN at an earlier date,” Geng stated, reaffirming China’s commitment to working with the international community to bring an early end to the fighting in Gaza, alleviate the humanitarian disaster, implement the two-state solution, and achieve enduring peace in the Middle East.