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Uzbekistan and Japan Forge Closer Ties through Ministerial Meeting

Uzbekistan and Japan Forge Closer Ties through Ministerial Meeting

Tashkent, March 09, 2024, The Europe Today: The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan, Bakhtiyor Saidov, and his Japanese counterpart, Mrs. Yoko Kamikawa, held a constructive meeting aimed at enhancing bilateral cooperation between the two nations. The meeting, which took place recently, showcased the commitment of both countries to strengthen their diplomatic ties and explore opportunities for collaboration.

Minister Saidov, expressing his satisfaction with the discussions, conveyed on his Telegram channel, “We are pleased to meet with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Yoko Kamikawa. We exchanged detailed views on issues of cooperation activation in all prospective directions without exception.” The minister emphasized the importance of fostering a comprehensive partnership that spans various sectors.

During the meeting, the two foreign ministers signed a cooperation program for the years 2024-2025 between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan and Japan. This program is expected to serve as a roadmap, outlining specific areas of collaboration and setting the tone for mutual endeavors over the next two years.

Minister Saidov further stated, “We are in favor of further strengthening the Uzbekistan-Japan strategic partnership and achieving concrete results.” The emphasis on a strategic partnership underlines the shared commitment of both nations to deepen their engagement across political, economic, and cultural domains.

The discussions touched upon various aspects of bilateral cooperation, including trade, investment, cultural exchange, and regional stability. Both ministers expressed optimism about the potential for increased collaboration and affirmed their dedication to fostering a robust and mutually beneficial relationship.

The meeting between Minister Saidov and Minister Kamikawa signifies a continued effort to build bridges and strengthen diplomatic ties between Uzbekistan and Japan. As the signed cooperation program sets the agenda for the coming years, the two nations look forward to realizing the full potential of their strategic partnership for the benefit of their respective citizens and the broader international community.