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Tragedy Strikes as Russian Military Cargo Plane Crashes Near Moscow

Moscow, March 12, 2024, The Europe Today: Russia confirmed the crash of one of its Il-76 military cargo planes shortly after takeoff from an airfield northeast of Moscow on Tuesday. The defense ministry revealed that the ill-fated Il-76 was on a scheduled flight when the tragic event unfolded.

The statement from the defense ministry disclosed that the aircraft was carrying eight crew members and seven passengers. Regrettably, there are no reported survivors. The preliminary assessment points to an engine fire occurring during takeoff as the likely cause of the crash.

As news of the incident spread, unverified videos and photographs of the aircraft’s descent circulated on Russian social networks, capturing the tragic moments leading up to the crash.

Adding to the complexity of the situation, the Defense Ministry reported that the crash coincided with multiple Ukrainian drone attacks on Russia. Ukrainian drones reportedly targeted military air bases, including those in the vicinity of Moscow, leading to heightened tensions in the region.

The Il-76, a four-engine heavy-lift transport plane, has been a stalwart in the Soviet and Russian air forces since the 1970s. The crash of this military aircraft underscores the inherent risks and challenges faced in military aviation, prompting authorities to investigate the circumstances surrounding the tragic incident.