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Azerbaijan Announces Plans for Industrial Zones in Liberated Cities

Baku, March 18, 2024, The Europe Today: A significant stride towards economic revitalization and development has been announced by Azerbaijan, as plans for the establishment of industrial zones at the entrances of the liberated cities of Zangilan, Jabrayil, and Gubadli have been unveiled, as reported by Azerbaijani media.

The initiation of industrial zones in these strategic locations underscores Azerbaijan’s commitment to the comprehensive reconstruction and prosperity of its liberated territories. Preparatory efforts have already commenced, signaling a proactive approach towards fostering economic growth and infrastructure development in the region. Designing work is slated to commence imminently, paving the way for the realization of these ambitious projects.

Presently, Azerbaijan boasts the operation of two industrial parks within the liberated territories, each playing a pivotal role in driving economic activities and employment opportunities. The Araz Valley Economic Zone stands as a beacon of industrial progress, while the Aghdam Industrial Park in Jabrayil serves as a testament to Azerbaijan’s dedication to fostering innovation and investment in the region.

The establishment of additional industrial zones in Zangilan, Jabrayil, and Gubadli not only signifies a monumental step towards economic diversification but also holds the promise of enhancing the livelihoods of residents and catalyzing sustainable development. By leveraging the untapped potential of these regions, Azerbaijan aims to harness their strategic significance to propel forward its economic agenda and bolster the prosperity of its citizens.

As Azerbaijan continues to chart its path towards post-conflict reconstruction and development, the creation of industrial zones in the liberated cities stands as a testament to the nation’s unwavering resolve to build a prosperous and resilient future for all its inhabitants.